What Is SEO Practice?

Search engines dental SEO agency on-site and off-site factors to determine how highly ranked a page should be. Often, these factors are combined to form a ranking algorithm that tries to best predict user intent and relevancy to a query. This is what SEO practice is all about — understanding and executing on this algorithm.

Some of these practices are a little more technical, like ensuring that URLs contain relevant keywords without overdoing it (keyword stuffing is against Google’s spam policies) and optimizing image alt text and file names. Others are more content-focused, like writing high-quality, unique, and useful articles that satisfy users’ needs. Creating these types of pages often requires using keyword research to guide content development and ensure that the pages are targeting the right queries.

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SEO also involves utilizing other on-site optimization techniques, like internal linking, ensuring that images are properly titled and have appropriate alt text, and improving site speed to improve loading times and search engine visibility. It also involves tracking and analyzing data to understand search engine performance over time, and adjusting tactics based on that information.

Additionally, some of the practice is about identifying ways to stand out on search engine results pages (SERPs) beyond the traditional organic search listings, such as featured and rich snippets, and determining how to rank in these formats, too. Some of these specialized SERP features, like the TikTok and Google Bard offerings, aren’t necessarily influenced by SEO best practices yet, but it is important to study and develop strategies for these novel formats.