Tooth Crowns

In dentistry, a tooth crown, more commonly known as a partial veneer, essentially refers to a single-visit dental crown, a kind of single-visit dental restoration which completely covers or caps a tooth or even dental implant. Sometimes a single-visit crown is glued to the tooth by enamel bonding. However, other kinds of tooth crowns such as a gum shield and a dental bridge also exist.

How To Lose Money With Tooth Crowns

tooth crown

Single-visit tooth crowns are used only on teeth which are extremely cavity prone. This means that the tooth crown will cover up any tooth defect and not correct or fix the defect itself. Such teeth include molars, wisdom teeth, lingual teeth and underlays. It is for these reasons that the procedure is frequently reserved for those whose teeth are structurally stable enough to sustain the process of a single-visit tooth crown without posing any significant side effects.

Dental implant filling is a more common procedure nowadays. While dental office procedures such as tooth crowns and filling them with the same-day crown solution have become relatively common, many patients still opt for tooth crowns made from porcelain or composite material. Porcelain and composite tooth crowns are comprised of a composite substance which is designed to imitate the natural tooth look of each tooth. While these materials are highly durable and resistant to bacteria, they are still less reliable than tooth crowns made from natural substances since a natural tooth is always susceptible to wear and tear. For this reason, many patients opt for filling their teeth with the same-day dental office filling solution as opposed to visiting a dental office to have the crown procedure completed.